‘D Magazine’ Lists 33 Jackson Walker Attorneys Among Best Lawyers in Dallas

July 10, 2018 | Attorney News

Jackson Walker is pleased to announce that 33 attorneys were recognized in the “Best Lawyers in Dallas 2018” list by D Magazine, one of the premier publications in the city of Dallas. To be recognized in the list, attorneys must be nominated by their peers on the basis that they offer unmatched counsel in one of 34 categories.

The “Best Lawyers in Dallas 2018” list was featured in the May 2018 edition of D Magazine. To view the event slideshow, click here. For the full list of honorees, visit the 2018 “Best Lawyers in Dallas” directory.

Meet Our 2018 “Best Lawyers in Dallas”

Meet JW

Founded more than 130 years ago, Jackson Walker has played a vital role in the growth and development of Texas business. Today, with more than 350 attorneys across seven offices, our attorneys represent Fortune 500 companies, multinational corporations, major financial institutions, insurance companies, and a wide range of public companies and private businesses worldwide. While Jackson Walker proudly calls Texas home, our attorneys are licensed around the U.S. and have experience in developed and emerging markets around the globe. The Firm is ranked nationally in 26 practice areas in U.S. News – Best Lawyers’ “Best Law Firms” Guide, has eight Chambers USA-ranked practice groups, and has been recognized among the BTI Consulting Group’s BTI Brand Elite for the five years running.

In This Story

Charles L. Babcock
Partner, Houston

Sara K. Borrelli
Partner, Dallas

Alden S. Crow
Partner, Dallas

Brian Dethrow
Partner, Dallas

Jeffery P. Drummond
Partner, Dallas

Byron F. Egan
Partner, Dallas

Michael S. Held
Partner, Dallas

John B. Holden, Jr.
Partner, Dallas

William H. Hornberger
Partner, Dallas

John V. Jansonius
Partner, Dallas

Kevin A. Jones
Partner, Dallas

Michael L. Kaufman
Partner, Dallas

L. Suzan Kedron
Partner, Dallas

Ronald D. Kerridge
Partner, Dallas

Michael L. Laussade
Partner, Dallas

Wayne F. Malecha
Partner, Dallas

David T. Moran
Partner, Dallas

Christopher J. Rourk
Partner, Dallas

David Schlottman
Partner, Dallas

S. Jordan Smith
Partner, Dallas

Nathan T. Smithson
Partner, Dallas

Nathaniel St. Clair, II
Partner, Dallas

David S. Stolle
Partner, Dallas

Christopher A. Thompson
Partner, Dallas

Peter K. Wahl
Partner, Dallas
