Jackson Walker represented a major shareholder of Hirschfeld Industries in its sale to Allegheny Capital Corporation on February 7, 2018. Hirschfeld Industries is a leading fabricator of steel bridges and structural steel for stadiums, airports, and other commercial and industrial projects.
Dallas partner Byron Egan led this transaction on behalf of the shareholder. For more information about the firm’s acquisition and disposition experience, visit Jackson Walker’s Corporate and Securities practice area page.
Details about the acquisition can be found on Hirschfeld Industries’ website.
About Hirschfeld Industries
Headquartered in San Angelo, Texas, Hirschfeld is one of the largest fully integrated fabricators of highly engineered structural steel components in North America. Fabricating more than 100,000 tons of steel annually, Hirschfeld serves a wide range of end markets including transportation infrastructure, industrial development, commercial construction, and power generation. With eleven facilities providing a national presence and an industry-leading footprint, the Company is a major participant in the expansion and redevelopment of the U.S. transportation and energy infrastructure systems, for both government-funded and private enterprises.
Meet Byron
Byron F. Egan engages in a corporate, limited liability company, partnership, securities, mergers and acquisitions (“M&A“), and financing practice. He has extensive experience with M&A transactions, business entity formation and governance matters, and financing transactions. Byron is a frequent lecturer regarding M&A, governance of corporations, partnerships and limited liability companies, securities laws, and financing techniques. He is the author of a treatise on corporations, partnerships and limited liability companies in Texas entitled Egan on Entities: Corporations, Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies in Texas (May 2016), which addresses the formation, governance, and sale of business entities, including an analysis of the fiduciary duties of their governing persons in a variety of situations.