His nomination indicates a domestic, all-of-the-above energy agenda that will compliment the regulatory reforms anticipated within the Department of Interior and Environmental Protection Agency under the new administration.
Jackson Walker partner Mike Nasi represents clients who have worked in partnership with the State of Texas (throughout Governor Perry’s tenure) and the Department of Energy in the development of carbon capture technology and the utilization of carbon dioxide in enhanced oil recovery operations (commonly referred to as “CCUS”). Mr. Nasi highlights the fact that Governor Perry supported many such projects because they enable domestic oil producers to expand production while simultaneously moving carbon capture technology forward as a hedge against the risk of future carbon regulation.
“If the past is evidence of what his priorities are, he’s overseen a significant amount of support for CCUS.” Nasi said in an interview with Law360.
In a recent statement to Oil Daily, Nasi also notes that Perry presided over an impressive series of energy innovations in Texas, the largest energy consumer in the country. During Perry’s terms, Texas saw increased development of energy infrastructure projects, clean coal and gas technologies, as well as a rapid expansion in wind energy capacity.
Nasi is convinced that Perry’s experience managing Texas’ advanced energy innovations makes him a fantastic pick for heading the nation’s Department of Energy.
For more information on this topic, read this article in Law360. Subscription may be required to view article.
About Mike Nasi
Mike Nasi is a partner in Jackson Walker’s Environmental and Energy Law practices with 23 years of environmental regulatory experience before state and federal energy and environmental agencies. For the past 14 years, Mike has been heavily involved in national and multi-state CCUS initiatives and he regularly acts as a resource for industry leaders and state and federal public officials on environmental and energy regulatory issues.