Jennifer F. Wertz
Practice Areas
- Bankruptcy Trustee Representation
- Committee Representation
- Debtor Representation
- Distressed Asset Buyers & Sellers Representation
- Energy Workouts & Reorganizations
- Healthcare Workouts & Reorganizations
- Landlord & Contract Counter Parties Representation
- Real Estate Workouts & Reorganizations
- Secured Creditor Representation
- Unsecured Creditor Representation
Jennifer F. Wertz is an attorney in the Bankruptcy, Restructuring and Recovery section at Jackson Walker, where she represents companies in reorganization and liquidation proceedings. She has extensive experience in representing debtors and creditors in various industries, with a particular focus on oil and gas, real estate, and healthcare. In addition to her company-side representation, she also has extensive experience in representing private equity and other parties in distressed asset purchases, ranging from acquisitions of large warehouse space, multifamily, office, and lease interests. She has represented numerous landlords both in addressing tenant distress and in bankruptcy proceedings. She also has experience representing equipment lenders, agricultural vendors in chapter 11 and chapter 12 proceedings, and has represented numerous financial institutions and other lenders with out-of-court workouts.
She also represents liquidation trustees and chapter 7 trustees in complex commercial litigation, focused in particular on fiduciary and fraudulent transfer claims.
Prior to joining Jackson Walker, Jennifer served as a law clerk to the [Ret.] Honorable H. Christopher Mott, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Western District of Texas.
B.A., University of Texas at Austin
J.D., magna cum laude, Texas Tech University School of Law
- Texas Tech Law Review, Articles Editor
- Board of Barristers, Associate Member
- Civil Practice Clinic, Student Attorney
- Judicial Intern to Judge Bohm, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of Texas
Bar Admissions
Court Admissions
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
United States Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern, Northern, Southern, and Western Districts of Texas
United States District Court for the Eastern, Northern, Southern, and Western Districts of Texas
Professional Certifications
Board Certified in Business Bankruptcy
- Represented a reorganized debtor in various contested matters regarding enforcement of the confirmation order. In particular, led the prosecution against a claimant pursuing a late-file claim based on inexcusable neglect and obtained a favorable judgment for the reorganized debtor, and defended same to success on appeal.
- Represented a Chapter 7 Trustee for rural hospital cases in Texas in over 50 adversary proceedings relating to avoidance actions, resulting in significant recoveries to the estate, as well as complex fiduciary litigation and complex commercial claims in federal court.
- Represented various individuals in negotiations with lenders with respect to real estate loans and guarantees to obtain favorable workouts.
- Represented an e-commerce platform based in Austin in its complex chapter 11 proceedings, resulting in a confirmed plan featuring a negotiated sale process.
- Represented as co-counsel a large New York City-based real estate firm as a significant creditor in complex chapter 11 proceedings in Dallas through confirmation of a plan resulting in payment in full.
- Represented a purchaser in a successful acquisition of combination of warehouse and space outside of Dallas out of major retail chapter 11 including defense of objection to same.
- Represented as co-counsel a national leader in outpatient radiology and oncology solutions in its prepackaged chapter 11 cases, resulting in a confirmed chapter 11 plan in less than 45 days.
- Represented national retail chain in strategic acquisition of leases from retail bankruptcy cases filed in New Jersey and Delaware.
- Represented as co-counsel a coalition and campaign-based loyalty solutions company in its complex chapter 11 proceedings, resulting in a confirmed chapter 11 plan in less than 60 days.
- Represented an exploration and operations company in complex chapter 11 proceedings, including in successful trial of and an appeal to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, resulting in the affirmed dismissal of a post-confirmation attempt by the State of Oklahoma to obtain the right to nearly $1,000,000 in unclaimed royalty payments.
- Represented a nonprofit children’s hospital based in El Paso in its litigious Chapter 11 proceedings, resulting in confirmation of a plan that provided for continued operations and payment in full of general unsecured claims.
- Represented multiple trade creditors of an exploration and operations company in numerous preference actions attempting to claw back over $1 million. Following discovery, obtained a favorable settlement.
- Represented judgment receiver in chapter 11 case to collect on nearly $10 million judgment.
- Represented a media company debtor and related defendants in an adversary proceeding against allegations of fraud and breach of contract. Drafted a motion for summary judgment resulting in dismissal of all claims against all clients at the onset of litigation.
- Represented a Chapter 11 Liquidation Trustee in a complex furniture manufacturing cases in San Antonio in over 100 adversary proceedings asserting various preference and fraudulent transfer actions, resulting in recoveries to creditors.
- Represented a Chapter 11 Liquidation Trustee in complex telecommunications cases in Austin in over 50 adversary proceedings asserting debt collection claims, avoidance actions, and turnover actions, resulting in significant estate recoveries.
- The Best Lawyers in America (Woodward/White Inc.), 2024-2025
- Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law, 2024-2025
- Litigation – Bankruptcy, 2025
- Texas Rising Star – Bankruptcy: Business, Super Lawyers – Rising Stars by Thomson Reuters, 2020-2021
- “Austin’s Top Attorneys” List – Bankruptcy and Workout, Austin Monthly, 2021-2023
- Fellow, Texas Bar Foundation, 2020
- Board Certified in Business Bankruptcy Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, 2020
- “Major Decision in Energy-Related Bankruptcies: Colorado Court in Monarch Midstream Case Departs from Sabine Oil and Finds Gathering Agreement Established a Covenant Running with the Land,” Jackson Walker Bankruptcy e-Alert (October 2019)
- “Considerations and Consequences of a Bankruptcy Filing in the Oil and Gas Industry,” Jackson Walker Energy e-Alert (May 2015)
- “To Caesar, Only What Is Due – An Opportunity under § 505(a)(2)(C) for Ad Valorem Taxes?,” American Bankruptcy Institute Journal (September 2014)
Speaking Engagements
- Presenter, “A Technology-Focused Introduction to Bankruptcy & Insolvency,” The University of Texas School of Law, 37th Annual Technology Law Conference, May 2024.
- “Receivers in Bankruptcy,” June 2020 Presentation to San Antonio Bankruptcy Bar Association
- “Procedures Regarding the Sale of Assets: Is this the Bargain Basement or a Feeding Frenzy?,” Co-panelist with Judge Michael Parker, United States Bankruptcy Court, Western District of Texas, and Ray Battaglia, Law Offices of Ray Battaglia, PLLC, at the Western District of Texas Bench Bar Conference, June 2022
- “Ethical Issues in Bankruptcy: RSAs, DIPs, and Common Interest Privilege Issues,” Co-panelist with the Hon. Stacey G. C. Jernigan, United States Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Texas, Hon. Christopher M. Lopez, United States Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of Texas, and Deborah M. Perry, Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, The University of Texas School of Law 42nd Annual Jay L Westbrook Bankruptcy Conference
- “Shopping for Solutions During a Pandemic: Retail Bankruptcies in the Covid-19 Era,” Co-panelist with Ian T. Peck, Haynes & Boone LLP, The University of Texas School of Law 39th Annual Jay L. Westbrook Bankruptcy Conference
- “Chapter 15 Bankruptcy Issues, Venue, and Jurisdiction,” Jackson Walker Fast Takes Podcast (July 15, 2020)
- “What Creditors Should Consider Before Businesses Restructure or File for Bankruptcy,” Jackson Walker Fast Takes Podcast (June 4, 2020)
- Bankruptcy & Litigation, Select Issues, Austin Bar Association-Bankruptcy Section (April 7, 2017)
- Texas Bankruptcy Laws and Obligations Webinar, Lorman (2017)
- Texas Women Lawyers, Board Member
- Austin Bar Association – Bankruptcy Section
- President, 2019
- Council Member, 2018
- Larry E. Kelly Inn of Court
- Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Travis County
- American Bankruptcy Institute

August 23, 2024
JW Diversity & Inclusion Newsletter – August 2024
View Jackson Walker’s August 2024 Diversity & Inclusion Newsletter, Perspectives.

August 15, 2024
Attorney News
‘The Best Lawyers in America’ Features 306 Jackson Walker Attorneys in 2025 Edition, Including 9 “Lawyers of the Year” and 75 “Ones to Watch”
The Best Lawyers in America has recognized 306 Jackson Walker attorneys across 81 specialty practice areas in its 2025 edition, including 9 Lawyers of the Year and 75 Ones to Watch. In this year’s guide, Jackson Walker saw the largest number of attorneys in the areas of Commercial Litigation (75 attorneys) and Real Estate Law (55 attorneys) and the addition of 27 attorneys as Best Lawyers.

July 11, 2024
Attorney News
‘Austin Monthly’ Lists 21 Jackson Walker Attorneys Among “Austin’s Top Attorneys” of 2024
Jackson Walker congratulates the 21 attorneys recognized among Austin Monthly’s list of “Austin’s Top Attorneys” for 2024. For recognition in the list, Austin attorneys must be nominated by their peers on the basis that they offer experienced counsel in one of 39 categories.

May 8, 2024
Speaking Engagements
Jonathan Lass to Serve on Planning Committee at UT School of Law Technology Law Conference; Jennifer Wertz to Present on “Technology-Focused Bankruptcy & Insolvency”
Jackson Walker partner Jonathan E. Lass served on the planning committee and as a presiding officer for The University of Texas School of Law’s 37th Annual Technology Law Conference. Additionally, Jackson Walker partner Jennifer F. Wertz will be a presenter on Thursday, May 23.

April 15, 2024
JW Diversity & Inclusion Newsletter – April 2024
View Jackson Walker’s April 2024 Diversity & Inclusion Newsletter, Perspectives.

August 24, 2023
JW Diversity & Inclusion Newsletter – August 2023
View Jackson Walker’s August 2023 Diversity & Inclusion Newsletter, Perspectives.

August 17, 2023
Attorney News
‘The Best Lawyers in America’ Honors 287 Jackson Walker Attorneys in 2024 Edition, Including 12 “Lawyers of the Year” and 80 “Ones to Watch”
The Best Lawyers in America has recognized 287 Jackson Walker attorneys across 5 offices and 82 specialty practice areas in its 2024 edition, including 12 Lawyers of the Year and 80 Ones to Watch. In this year’s guide, Jackson Walker saw the largest number of attorneys in the areas of Commercial Litigation (66 attorneys) and Real Estate Law (60 attorneys) and the addition of 35 attorneys as Best Lawyers.

August 4, 2023
The American Lawyer: Jackson Walker is Nation’s Top Local Counsel in Large Bankruptcies, as Bankruptcy and Restructuring Filings Rebound
The American Lawyer cited new research which named Jackson Walker’s Bankruptcy, Restructuring, & Recovery group as the top local debtor’s counsel in the nation so far this year.

July 17, 2023
Attorney News
‘Austin Monthly’ Lists 12 Jackson Walker Attorneys Among “Austin’s Top Attorneys” of 2023
Jackson Walker congratulates the 12 attorneys recognized among Austin Monthly’s list of “Austin’s Top Attorneys” for 2023. For recognition in the list, Austin attorneys must be nominated by their peers on the basis that they offer experienced counsel in one of 39 categories.
Practice Experience
- Represented a reorganized debtor in various contested matters regarding enforcement of the confirmation order. In particular, led the prosecution against a claimant pursuing a late-file claim based on inexcusable neglect and obtained a favorable judgment for the reorganized debtor, and defended same to success on appeal.
- Represented a Chapter 7 Trustee for rural hospital cases in Texas in over 50 adversary proceedings relating to avoidance actions, resulting in significant recoveries to the estate, as well as complex fiduciary litigation and complex commercial claims in federal court.
- Represented various individuals in negotiations with lenders with respect to real estate loans and guarantees to obtain favorable workouts.
- Represented an e-commerce platform based in Austin in its complex chapter 11 proceedings, resulting in a confirmed plan featuring a negotiated sale process.
- Represented as co-counsel a large New York City-based real estate firm as a significant creditor in complex chapter 11 proceedings in Dallas through confirmation of a plan resulting in payment in full.
- Represented a purchaser in a successful acquisition of combination of warehouse and space outside of Dallas out of major retail chapter 11 including defense of objection to same.
- Represented as co-counsel a national leader in outpatient radiology and oncology solutions in its prepackaged chapter 11 cases, resulting in a confirmed chapter 11 plan in less than 45 days.
- Represented national retail chain in strategic acquisition of leases from retail bankruptcy cases filed in New Jersey and Delaware.
- Represented as co-counsel a coalition and campaign-based loyalty solutions company in its complex chapter 11 proceedings, resulting in a confirmed chapter 11 plan in less than 60 days.
- Represented an exploration and operations company in complex chapter 11 proceedings, including in successful trial of and an appeal to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, resulting in the affirmed dismissal of a post-confirmation attempt by the State of Oklahoma to obtain the right to nearly $1,000,000 in unclaimed royalty payments.
- Represented a nonprofit children’s hospital based in El Paso in its litigious Chapter 11 proceedings, resulting in confirmation of a plan that provided for continued operations and payment in full of general unsecured claims.
- Represented multiple trade creditors of an exploration and operations company in numerous preference actions attempting to claw back over $1 million. Following discovery, obtained a favorable settlement.
- Represented judgment receiver in chapter 11 case to collect on nearly $10 million judgment.
- Represented a media company debtor and related defendants in an adversary proceeding against allegations of fraud and breach of contract. Drafted a motion for summary judgment resulting in dismissal of all claims against all clients at the onset of litigation.
- Represented a Chapter 11 Liquidation Trustee in a complex furniture manufacturing cases in San Antonio in over 100 adversary proceedings asserting various preference and fraudulent transfer actions, resulting in recoveries to creditors.
- Represented a Chapter 11 Liquidation Trustee in complex telecommunications cases in Austin in over 50 adversary proceedings asserting debt collection claims, avoidance actions, and turnover actions, resulting in significant estate recoveries.
Recognition & Accolades
- The Best Lawyers in America (Woodward/White Inc.), 2024-2025
- Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law, 2024-2025
- Litigation – Bankruptcy, 2025
- Texas Rising Star – Bankruptcy: Business, Super Lawyers – Rising Stars by Thomson Reuters, 2020-2021
- “Austin’s Top Attorneys” List – Bankruptcy and Workout, Austin Monthly, 2021-2023
- Fellow, Texas Bar Foundation, 2020
- Board Certified in Business Bankruptcy Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, 2020
Publications & Speeches
- “Major Decision in Energy-Related Bankruptcies: Colorado Court in Monarch Midstream Case Departs from Sabine Oil and Finds Gathering Agreement Established a Covenant Running with the Land,” Jackson Walker Bankruptcy e-Alert (October 2019)
- “Considerations and Consequences of a Bankruptcy Filing in the Oil and Gas Industry,” Jackson Walker Energy e-Alert (May 2015)
- “To Caesar, Only What Is Due – An Opportunity under § 505(a)(2)(C) for Ad Valorem Taxes?,” American Bankruptcy Institute Journal (September 2014)
Speaking Engagements
- Presenter, “A Technology-Focused Introduction to Bankruptcy & Insolvency,” The University of Texas School of Law, 37th Annual Technology Law Conference, May 2024.
- “Receivers in Bankruptcy,” June 2020 Presentation to San Antonio Bankruptcy Bar Association
- “Procedures Regarding the Sale of Assets: Is this the Bargain Basement or a Feeding Frenzy?,” Co-panelist with Judge Michael Parker, United States Bankruptcy Court, Western District of Texas, and Ray Battaglia, Law Offices of Ray Battaglia, PLLC, at the Western District of Texas Bench Bar Conference, June 2022
- “Ethical Issues in Bankruptcy: RSAs, DIPs, and Common Interest Privilege Issues,” Co-panelist with the Hon. Stacey G. C. Jernigan, United States Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of Texas, Hon. Christopher M. Lopez, United States Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of Texas, and Deborah M. Perry, Munsch Hardt Kopf & Harr, The University of Texas School of Law 42nd Annual Jay L Westbrook Bankruptcy Conference
- “Shopping for Solutions During a Pandemic: Retail Bankruptcies in the Covid-19 Era,” Co-panelist with Ian T. Peck, Haynes & Boone LLP, The University of Texas School of Law 39th Annual Jay L. Westbrook Bankruptcy Conference
- “Chapter 15 Bankruptcy Issues, Venue, and Jurisdiction,” Jackson Walker Fast Takes Podcast (July 15, 2020)
- “What Creditors Should Consider Before Businesses Restructure or File for Bankruptcy,” Jackson Walker Fast Takes Podcast (June 4, 2020)
- Bankruptcy & Litigation, Select Issues, Austin Bar Association-Bankruptcy Section (April 7, 2017)
- Texas Bankruptcy Laws and Obligations Webinar, Lorman (2017)
Community Involvement
- Texas Women Lawyers, Board Member
- Austin Bar Association – Bankruptcy Section
- President, 2019
- Council Member, 2018
- Larry E. Kelly Inn of Court
- Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Travis County
- American Bankruptcy Institute
Practice Areas
- Bankruptcy Trustee Representation
- Committee Representation
- Debtor Representation
- Distressed Asset Buyers & Sellers Representation
- Energy Workouts & Reorganizations
- Healthcare Workouts & Reorganizations
- Landlord & Contract Counter Parties Representation
- Real Estate Workouts & Reorganizations
- Secured Creditor Representation
- Unsecured Creditor Representation