Leonard H. Dougal
- Administrative
- Data Center
- Environmental Compliance & Enforcement
- Environmental Due Diligence
- Permitting
- Produced Water
- Remediation & Property Redevelopment
- South Korea
- Waste
- Water
“Leonard Dougal has particular experience handling Clean Water Act and other water related issues for mining and energy industry clients. His practice area knowledge extends into the environmental issues arising from construction projects. Sources stated he is 'a well-respected water lawyer – knowledgeable with a calm demeanor,' and that he 'delivers messages in a way anyone can understand.'”
— Chambers USA Guide
Leonard Dougal represents clients in complex environmental permitting and water supply matters including high-tech companies, semiconductor manufacturers, data center owners, power generation companies, real estate developers and special utility districts. He is also active in water quality and wetlands issues where he represents energy companies, developers and agricultural operators in Clean Water Act permit and compliance matters.
As a recognized authority on emerging water law issues, Leonard is frequently sought after to speak at bar and continuing legal education seminars. He is the author of two chapters in the treatise on Texas water law, “The Essentials of Texas Water Resources”.
Leonard has a special interest in solving water supply issues for clients, including permitting of groundwater, contracting with others for new water supplies, conveying or reserving water rights, or reusing treated wastewater.
Leonard is board certified in Administrative Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. He is also a Texas licensed Professional Engineer (inactive).
B.S., with honors, University of Texas at Austin
J.D., with honors, University of Texas School of Law
Bar Admissions
Court Admissions
Supreme Court of Texas
United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
United States District Court for the Western District of Texas
Professional Certifications
Board Certified in Administrative Law
A career highlight for Leonard Dougal was the representation of one of the world’s largest private equity investors involving all aspects of water rights due diligence and transaction terms in the purchase of a national hotel and golf resort property located in Texas. The complicated and high profile transaction involved significant deal points focused on the management of the conveyance of groundwater rights and securing title insurance for the rights.
- Represented a national utility company, as local counsel on permit and regulatory matters, in pre-bankruptcy and financial restructuring for five electric power generation plants located in Texas, with total generation capacity of nearly 3,500 megawatts (MW). Our role included handling the water and environmental permit matters arising from the corporate restructuring.
- Represented owner of a 1000 MW electric generating plant, which utilizes innovative air cooled condensers, in successfully securing a Prop 2 pollution control tax exemption for the condensers from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and defended the exemption on appeal.
- Represented a national mining company regarding NEPA requirements for permitting a new surface mine in Texas, including work on scoping the NEPA application, advice on the extent to consider indirect and cumulative effects, advice on application of the latest guidance on global climate change and assessment of greenhouse gas emissions, and development of the appropriate project alternatives.
- Represented owner of electric generation plant in compliance audit regarding Clean Water Act water quality compliance issues.
- Represented owner of steam electric generating plant at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) related to the proposed listing of cooling water body as thermally-impaired under Clean Water Act Section 303(d).
- Represented owner of 750 MW natural gas fired combined cycle power plant in contested matters involved in obtaining a wastewater discharge permit.
- Represented developer of wind-power project to identify and obtain necessary state and federal environmental permits for project development.
Water Quality Permits
- Represented the developer of a new subdivision before the TCEQ to successfully secure a TPDES permit for a proposed new wastewater treatment facility over the objection of a downstream property owner, including mediation of issues prior to a State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) hearing on SB 709 matters.
- Represented the owner of a TPDES permitted facility regarding its application for a major amendment to increase discharge volumes, and successfully defended the application under the SB 709 process at SOAH and secured the permit amendment without changes.
- Represented major hospital system in securing approval from the US Army Corps of Engineers for a Clean Water Act 404 dredge and fill permit associated with an expansion of the health care facility.
- Represented international semiconductor manufacturing facility in securing approval from the US Army Corps of Engineers for a Clean Water Act 404 dredge and fill permit associated with an expansion of the facility, including the terms of an off-site mitigation agreement.
- Represented a large multi-state agricultural operation in a major Clean Water Act enforcement action brought by the U.S. Department of Justice, the Environmental Protection Agency and attorneys general from two states. The matter was resolved by the entry of a Federal Consent Decree with innovative terms which allowed sustainable cattle grazing operations to continue on land-management units containing elevated levels of nutrients. The Consent Decree required the payment of a civil penalty, which was only a fraction of the amount the governments calculated as potential penalties and was substantially reduced from the governments’ initial payment demand.
- Represented a major electric generating facility to amend its TPDES wastewater discharge permit to incorporate modifications regarding its cooling water intake structure, including changing the location of the intake from a river location to an upstream lake. Developed strategy with client for compliance with Clean Water Act §316(b) and TCEQ regulations to successfully obtain permit amendment without the delays associated with a contested case hearing.
- Represented an industrial operation to successfully obtain a major amendment to a TPDES wastewater discharge permit to authorize the construction and operation of a commercial centralized waste treatment facility on the client’s industrial site near the Houston Ship Channel. Due to neighbor protests to the permit application, we developed a legal strategy which resolved the protests in a timely and efficient manner, and the client was able to successfully obtain the permit amendment without an expensive contested case hearing.
- Represented a national developer of resort communities in its successful efforts to obtain a TPDES discharge permit for a new domestic wastewater plant to serve a 3000 acre golf course resort community being developed in Central Texas.
- Represented a major Texas dairy operation in a hotly-contested SOAH permit hearing, where environmental activists and neighbors protested the permit application for the expansion of the dairy. Also, successfully obtained a TPDES water quality permit for the operation, which was located in the sensitive North Bosque River watershed.
- Represented major real estate developer to obtain authorization from TCEQ to use reclaimed water from wastewater treatment plant for golf course and landscaping irrigation. Negotiated terms of water reuse agreement with owners of water treatment plant.
- Defended a Fortune 500 company with multi-state production facilities in a major Clean Water Act enforcement action brought by the U.S. Department of Justice, the Environmental Protection Agency and a State Attorney General. Based upon site inspections, EPA alleged various NPDES permit violations and unpermitted discharges of wastewater. We successfully negotiated a federal Consent Decree to favorably resolve all Clean Water Act allegations.
Water Supply and Water Rights
- Represented a multinational technology client in due diligence and negotiations regarding data center project siting and feasibility of securing surface water and groundwater resources for operations, including review of consultant’s work on firmness and reliability of surface water supplies.
- Represented power generation company in the lease of more than 200,000 acre feet of surface water rights.
- Represented a multinational semiconductor manufacturer in negotiations for a firm water supply for a new industrial facility in Texas, including business terms for reservation of water, project scheduling, and options for an alternative supplier to provide potable drinking water supply. Additionally, negotiated terms of contract with third-party to provide feasibility study of wastewater treatment plant design, permitting, and construction.
- Represented a number of purchasers of real property and water rights in the purchase of Edward Aquifer Authority (EAA) permits and groundwater rights.
- Represented landowner in the sale of undeveloped rural land with an existing water production well to reserve groundwater rights and the ability to continue to use the water well.
- Represented holder of significant quantity of surface water rights in multi-million dollar sale of such rights.
- Represented clients in contractual negotiations for the long-term purchase of raw water from various river authorities and districts, including Sabine River Authority, Tarrant Regional Water District, Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority, Gulf Coast Water Authority and Brazos River Authority.
- Represented the purchaser of treated groundwater in long-term treated water supply contract involving the purchase of Carrizo-Wilcox groundwater.
- Represented clients before the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) in streamlined expedited release matters related to water and sewer CCNs, including proceedings involving stranded utility assets that were valued pursuant to the Water Code Chapter 13 compensation process.
- Represented water district before the Public Utility Commission of Texas in an appeal by customers of a significant water rate increase and, via a mediation process, successfully resolved the appeal in a manner which maintained the revenue requirement of the district necessary to finance critically needed facility improvements.
- Represented clients before the Texas Legislature, drafted and successfully passed special legislation to create the following special utility districts: Stephens Regional SUD, Parker County SUD, Rose Hill SUD, Gastonia-Scurry SUD, Fort Griffin SUD, San Jacinto SUD and Goforth SUD.
- Represented an investor-owned utility to obtain required regulatory approvals of the TCEQ and TWDB and successfully close the purchase of a large non-profit water supply corporation.
- Represented water district in adopting impact fees in compliance with TCEQ rules and Chapter 395, Local Government Code.
- Represented a multinational technology client in negotiations and contracting for wastewater treatment plant construction and treatment services to be provided by a major Texas waste treatment authority.
- Managed the environmental due diligence for multiple discrete transactions for a private equity client’s purchase of various multi-family and commercial real estate investments. The complexity of the legal work varied by property, and in many cases required the evaluation of the nature and risk associated with complex environmental issues associated with either on-site and off-site sources of contamination at commercial properties.
- Provided strategic legal counsel to a regional infrastructure client who is developing groundwater resources in the Permian Basin in West Texas for use in upstream oil and gas operations, including hydraulic fracturing of long-lateral well bores. The area is one of the hottest oil and gas plays in the United States and water is in short supply due to the arid nature of the region. The work included strategic legal counsel on surface and groundwater permitting and regulatory matters, and advice on condemnation and securing necessary rights-of-way.
- Represented owner of surface water treatment plant, and negotiated acquisition of a new plant site, disposition of existing treatment plant to be decommissioned, and all necessary easements and real property documents.
- Represented a large regional water district in the conveyance of its facilities and customers to an adjacent municipality, secured approval of transfer of the district’s CCN from the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) following a hotly contested hearing, and assisted in the successful defense of the transaction on appeal.
- Board Certified in Administrative Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization
- Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business, Ranked for Environment – Texas, 2014-2024
- The Best Lawyers in America (Woodward/White Inc.), 2007-2025
- Lawyer of the Year – Austin, Natural Resources Law, 2024
- Lawyer of the Year – Austin, Litigation – Environmental, 2022
- Lawyer of the Year – Austin, Water Law, 2020
- Energy Regulatory Law, 2025
- Environmental Law, 2009-2025
- Litigation – Environmental, 2011-2025
- Natural Resources Law, 2021-2025
- Water Law, 2007-2025
- The Lawdragon 500 Leading Energy Lawyers, Environmental Law, esp. Water, 2023-2024
- The Lawdragon Green 500: Leaders in Environmental Law, Environmental Law, esp. Water, 2023-2025
- The Lawdragon 500 Leading Environmental & Energy Lawyers, Environmental Law – Water, 2021
- AV Rated, Martindale-Hubbell
- Speaker, “Practical Water Law Considerations: Amenity Lakes, SWCD Reservoirs and Downstream Flood Protection,” UTCLE 28th Annual Land Use Conference (April 2024)
- Speaker, “Texas Surface Water Rights – Current Issues and Permitting Insights,” Half Moon Seminar (June 2022; September 2020)
- Co-Author, “Confidentiality of Water Quality Management Plans in Texas,” Jackson Walker Insights (June 2020)
- Co-Author, “U.S. Supreme Court Finds That Clean Water Act’s Permitting Requirements Can Extend to Discharges Through Groundwater,” Jackson Walker Insights (April 2020)
- Speaker, “Practical Tips for Aspiring Lawyers,” The University of Texas School of Law, 279M, Austin, Texas (February 2019)
- Co-Author, “EPA Proposes Rule to Exempt Farm Animal Waste Reporting,” Jackson Walker Insights (November 2018)
- Speaker, “Environmental Due Diligence in Real Estate Transactions Phase I ESAs and Legal Considerations,” Presented to Private Equity Client (November 2018)
- Speaker, “Water for Oil — Regulatory Challenges in Supplying Water for Hydraulic Fracturing” CLE International Texas Water Conference, San Antonio, Texas (October 2018)
- Speaker, “PUC Rate Case Panel,” Texas Water Conservation Association Fall Conference; San Antonio, Texas (October 2018)
- Speaker, “Water for Oil: Regulatory Challenges in Supplying Water for Hydraulic Fracturing,” CLE International Water Law Institute’s 9th Annual Texas Water Law Conference (October 2018)
- Speaker, “PUC Rate Case Panel: Emerging Trends,” Texas Water Conservation Association (TWCA) Fall Conference (October 2018)
- Author, “Flood Management,” Essentials of Texas Water Resources, TexasBarBooks (2018)
- Author, “Drinking Water Supply Issues: Water Utilities—CCNs and Rates,” Essentials of Texas Water Resources, TexasBarBooks (2018)
- Author, Chapter 25 Agriculture, Texas Practice Series – Environmental Law, Thompson/West (2018)
- Speaker, “Water Utilities: The Latest in CCN Decertifications, Compensation, and Rates,” Public Utility Law Section Annual Meeting and Seminar (August 2017)
- Speaker, “Utilities and CCNs: The Latest Issues at the Public Utility Commission of Texas” presented at the TexasBarCLE 19th Annual Changing Face of Water Rights (February 2017)
- Speaker, “Current Water Utility CCN Decertification Issues at the Public Utility Commission of Texas” UTCLE 2015 Texas Water Law Institute (October 2015)
- Speaker, “Brackish Groundwater Regulatory and Policy Issues in Texas,” American Ground Water Trust Annual Texas Groundwater and Aquifer Conference (June 2015)
- Speaker, “Conflicts, Curtailments and Conversions: Lessons from the Historic Texas Drought,” 25th Annual Texas Environmental Superconference (August 1, 2013)
- State Bar
- Public Utility Law Section, Past Board Member, 2017-2020
- Environmental and Natural Resources Section, Member
- Austin Bar Association
- Administrative Law Section
- Environmental, Natural Resources, and Water Law Section
- Utility Law Section
- Headwaters at the Comal, Board of Directors, 2016-2025
- Sustainable Food Center, Board of Directors, 2022-2025
- Friends of the Libraries and Archives of Texas, Board Member, 2016-2022
- United Way of Central Texas, 2016 Tocqueville Society, Volunteer
- Texas Bar Foundation, Fellow
- Volunteer Legal Services of Central Texas, Pro Bono Representation
- University of Texas School of Law – Environmental Law Clinic, Board of Advisors, 2005-2009
- Texas Board of Legal Specialization, Exam Committee –Â Administrative Law, 2006- 2009

January 31, 2025
Attorney News
Lawdragon Lists Eight Jackson Walker Partners Among Leading Environmental Lawyers of 2025
Jackson Walker partners Ali Abazari, Leonard Dougal, Taylor Holcomb, Lindsey Moorhead, Michael Nasi, Benjamin Rhem, Daniel Vineyard, and Peter Wahl have once again been recognized among Lawdragon’s list of leading environmental lawyers.

August 15, 2024
Attorney News
‘The Best Lawyers in America’ Features 306 Jackson Walker Attorneys in 2025 Edition, Including 9 “Lawyers of the Year” and 75 “Ones to Watch”
The Best Lawyers in America has recognized 306 Jackson Walker attorneys across 81 specialty practice areas in its 2025 edition, including 9 Lawyers of the Year and 75 Ones to Watch. In this year’s guide, Jackson Walker saw the largest number of attorneys in the areas of Commercial Litigation (75 attorneys) and Real Estate Law (55 attorneys) and the addition of 27 attorneys as Best Lawyers.

June 6, 2024
Chambers and Partners Releases 2024 USA Guide Featuring 67 Jackson Walker Attorneys and 23 Ranked Departments
Jackson Walker is pleased to announce that Chambers and Partners has selected 67 attorneys and 23 departments for inclusion in the 2024 edition of the Global and USA guides. Attorneys were ranked across 27 departments, with 3 attorneys listed among multiple areas, 8 ranked nationwide in their respective areas, and 15 recognized for the first time.

March 8, 2024
Speaking Engagements
William Dahlstrom to Serve on Planning Committee for 28th Annual UT School of Law Land Use Conference; Leonard Dougal to Present on “Practical Water Law Considerations”
Jackson Walker partner William “Bill” Dahlstrom served on the planning committee for The University of Texas School of Law’s 28th Annual Land Use Conference. Additionally, Jackson Walker partner Leonard H. Dougal will be a presenter on Friday, April 5.

February 16, 2024
Attorney News
Lawdragon Names 12 Jackson Walker Partners Among Leading Energy Lawyers of 2024
According to Lawdragon, the Energy 500 list “reflects the historic strength of a handful of firms in this area, as well as the incursions the global powerhouses have made establishing Energy as a mainstay of their practices.”

February 2, 2024
Attorney News
Lawdragon Lists Eight Jackson Walker Partners Among Leading Environmental Lawyers of 2024
According to Lawdragon, “The 2024 Leaders in Environmental Law” list features “an amazing collection of attorneys, ranging from wolf advocates, to sustainable finance leaders, experts in greenwashing claims and regulatory gurus who help businesses navigate environmental regulations to successfully develop projects.”

August 17, 2023
Attorney News
‘The Best Lawyers in America’ Honors 287 Jackson Walker Attorneys in 2024 Edition, Including 12 “Lawyers of the Year” and 80 “Ones to Watch”
The Best Lawyers in America has recognized 287 Jackson Walker attorneys across 5 offices and 82 specialty practice areas in its 2024 edition, including 12 Lawyers of the Year and 80 Ones to Watch. In this year’s guide, Jackson Walker saw the largest number of attorneys in the areas of Commercial Litigation (66 attorneys) and Real Estate Law (60 attorneys) and the addition of 35 attorneys as Best Lawyers.

June 1, 2023
Chambers and Partners Recognizes Jackson Walker Attorneys and Practices in 2023 USA and Global Guides
Jackson Walker is pleased to announce that Chambers and Partners has selected 51 attorneys and 17 departments for inclusion in the 2023 edition of the Global and USA guides. Attorneys recognized in the guides were ranked in 19 practice areas, with 4 attorneys listed among multiple areas and 6 named among the top attorneys nationwide in their respective areas.

March 22, 2023
Attorney News
Lawdragon Lists Six Jackson Walker Attorneys Among Leading Energy Lawyers of 2023
Jackson Walker partners Leonard Dougal, Meghan Griffiths, Peter Hosey, Jesse Lotay, Michael Nasi, and Michael Pearson have been selected to “The 2023 Lawdragon 500 Leading Energy Lawyers” list. Selection is limited to those who have been in practice for at least 10 years and is based on the publication’s individual research, submissions from firms and companies, and vetting with experienced lawyers in their respective areas.

February 14, 2023
Attorney News
Lawdragon Lists Five Jackson Walker Attorneys Among Leading Environmental Lawyers
Jackson Walker announces the selection of Ali Abazari, Leonard Dougal, Michael Nasi, Benjamin Rhem, and Daniel Vineyard to “The Lawdragon Green 500: Leaders in Environmental Law” list for 2023.
Leonard represents a variety of clients in major energy and commercial projects, including obtaining necessary environmental permits for the construction and operation of power generation facilities. Specifically, he assists clients by securing environmental permitting, including securing water rights, obtaining water quality permits, and creating special districts to provide utility services. He also advises clients on the environmental aspects of real estate transactions, including the workings and benefits of the state voluntary clean-up program, liability under CERCLA, and compliance with the solid waste disposal act.
- Securing water rights for new development
- Negotiating water supply contracts
- Obtaining Clean Water Act permits, including water quality and wetlands permits
- Defending environmental enforcement actions
- Creating water districts and acting as legal counsel on district governance and development matters
- Spearheading transactions involving regionalization of water systems and service areas, including obtaining PUC approvals of changes to retail utility certificates of convenience and necessity (CCNs)
Practice Experience
A career highlight for Leonard Dougal was the representation of one of the world’s largest private equity investors involving all aspects of water rights due diligence and transaction terms in the purchase of a national hotel and golf resort property located in Texas. The complicated and high profile transaction involved significant deal points focused on the management of the conveyance of groundwater rights and securing title insurance for the rights.
- Represented a national utility company, as local counsel on permit and regulatory matters, in pre-bankruptcy and financial restructuring for five electric power generation plants located in Texas, with total generation capacity of nearly 3,500 megawatts (MW). Our role included handling the water and environmental permit matters arising from the corporate restructuring.
- Represented owner of a 1000 MW electric generating plant, which utilizes innovative air cooled condensers, in successfully securing a Prop 2 pollution control tax exemption for the condensers from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and defended the exemption on appeal.
- Represented a national mining company regarding NEPA requirements for permitting a new surface mine in Texas, including work on scoping the NEPA application, advice on the extent to consider indirect and cumulative effects, advice on application of the latest guidance on global climate change and assessment of greenhouse gas emissions, and development of the appropriate project alternatives.
- Represented owner of electric generation plant in compliance audit regarding Clean Water Act water quality compliance issues.
- Represented owner of steam electric generating plant at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) related to the proposed listing of cooling water body as thermally-impaired under Clean Water Act Section 303(d).
- Represented owner of 750 MW natural gas fired combined cycle power plant in contested matters involved in obtaining a wastewater discharge permit.
- Represented developer of wind-power project to identify and obtain necessary state and federal environmental permits for project development.
Water Quality Permits
- Represented the developer of a new subdivision before the TCEQ to successfully secure a TPDES permit for a proposed new wastewater treatment facility over the objection of a downstream property owner, including mediation of issues prior to a State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) hearing on SB 709 matters.
- Represented the owner of a TPDES permitted facility regarding its application for a major amendment to increase discharge volumes, and successfully defended the application under the SB 709 process at SOAH and secured the permit amendment without changes.
- Represented major hospital system in securing approval from the US Army Corps of Engineers for a Clean Water Act 404 dredge and fill permit associated with an expansion of the health care facility.
- Represented international semiconductor manufacturing facility in securing approval from the US Army Corps of Engineers for a Clean Water Act 404 dredge and fill permit associated with an expansion of the facility, including the terms of an off-site mitigation agreement.
- Represented a large multi-state agricultural operation in a major Clean Water Act enforcement action brought by the U.S. Department of Justice, the Environmental Protection Agency and attorneys general from two states. The matter was resolved by the entry of a Federal Consent Decree with innovative terms which allowed sustainable cattle grazing operations to continue on land-management units containing elevated levels of nutrients. The Consent Decree required the payment of a civil penalty, which was only a fraction of the amount the governments calculated as potential penalties and was substantially reduced from the governments’ initial payment demand.
- Represented a major electric generating facility to amend its TPDES wastewater discharge permit to incorporate modifications regarding its cooling water intake structure, including changing the location of the intake from a river location to an upstream lake. Developed strategy with client for compliance with Clean Water Act §316(b) and TCEQ regulations to successfully obtain permit amendment without the delays associated with a contested case hearing.
- Represented an industrial operation to successfully obtain a major amendment to a TPDES wastewater discharge permit to authorize the construction and operation of a commercial centralized waste treatment facility on the client’s industrial site near the Houston Ship Channel. Due to neighbor protests to the permit application, we developed a legal strategy which resolved the protests in a timely and efficient manner, and the client was able to successfully obtain the permit amendment without an expensive contested case hearing.
- Represented a national developer of resort communities in its successful efforts to obtain a TPDES discharge permit for a new domestic wastewater plant to serve a 3000 acre golf course resort community being developed in Central Texas.
- Represented a major Texas dairy operation in a hotly-contested SOAH permit hearing, where environmental activists and neighbors protested the permit application for the expansion of the dairy. Also, successfully obtained a TPDES water quality permit for the operation, which was located in the sensitive North Bosque River watershed.
- Represented major real estate developer to obtain authorization from TCEQ to use reclaimed water from wastewater treatment plant for golf course and landscaping irrigation. Negotiated terms of water reuse agreement with owners of water treatment plant.
- Defended a Fortune 500 company with multi-state production facilities in a major Clean Water Act enforcement action brought by the U.S. Department of Justice, the Environmental Protection Agency and a State Attorney General. Based upon site inspections, EPA alleged various NPDES permit violations and unpermitted discharges of wastewater. We successfully negotiated a federal Consent Decree to favorably resolve all Clean Water Act allegations.
Water Supply and Water Rights
- Represented a multinational technology client in due diligence and negotiations regarding data center project siting and feasibility of securing surface water and groundwater resources for operations, including review of consultant’s work on firmness and reliability of surface water supplies.
- Represented power generation company in the lease of more than 200,000 acre feet of surface water rights.
- Represented a multinational semiconductor manufacturer in negotiations for a firm water supply for a new industrial facility in Texas, including business terms for reservation of water, project scheduling, and options for an alternative supplier to provide potable drinking water supply. Additionally, negotiated terms of contract with third-party to provide feasibility study of wastewater treatment plant design, permitting, and construction.
- Represented a number of purchasers of real property and water rights in the purchase of Edward Aquifer Authority (EAA) permits and groundwater rights.
- Represented landowner in the sale of undeveloped rural land with an existing water production well to reserve groundwater rights and the ability to continue to use the water well.
- Represented holder of significant quantity of surface water rights in multi-million dollar sale of such rights.
- Represented clients in contractual negotiations for the long-term purchase of raw water from various river authorities and districts, including Sabine River Authority, Tarrant Regional Water District, Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority, Gulf Coast Water Authority and Brazos River Authority.
- Represented the purchaser of treated groundwater in long-term treated water supply contract involving the purchase of Carrizo-Wilcox groundwater.
- Represented clients before the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUC) in streamlined expedited release matters related to water and sewer CCNs, including proceedings involving stranded utility assets that were valued pursuant to the Water Code Chapter 13 compensation process.
- Represented water district before the Public Utility Commission of Texas in an appeal by customers of a significant water rate increase and, via a mediation process, successfully resolved the appeal in a manner which maintained the revenue requirement of the district necessary to finance critically needed facility improvements.
- Represented clients before the Texas Legislature, drafted and successfully passed special legislation to create the following special utility districts: Stephens Regional SUD, Parker County SUD, Rose Hill SUD, Gastonia-Scurry SUD, Fort Griffin SUD, San Jacinto SUD and Goforth SUD.
- Represented an investor-owned utility to obtain required regulatory approvals of the TCEQ and TWDB and successfully close the purchase of a large non-profit water supply corporation.
- Represented water district in adopting impact fees in compliance with TCEQ rules and Chapter 395, Local Government Code.
- Represented a multinational technology client in negotiations and contracting for wastewater treatment plant construction and treatment services to be provided by a major Texas waste treatment authority.
- Managed the environmental due diligence for multiple discrete transactions for a private equity client’s purchase of various multi-family and commercial real estate investments. The complexity of the legal work varied by property, and in many cases required the evaluation of the nature and risk associated with complex environmental issues associated with either on-site and off-site sources of contamination at commercial properties.
- Provided strategic legal counsel to a regional infrastructure client who is developing groundwater resources in the Permian Basin in West Texas for use in upstream oil and gas operations, including hydraulic fracturing of long-lateral well bores. The area is one of the hottest oil and gas plays in the United States and water is in short supply due to the arid nature of the region. The work included strategic legal counsel on surface and groundwater permitting and regulatory matters, and advice on condemnation and securing necessary rights-of-way.
- Represented owner of surface water treatment plant, and negotiated acquisition of a new plant site, disposition of existing treatment plant to be decommissioned, and all necessary easements and real property documents.
- Represented a large regional water district in the conveyance of its facilities and customers to an adjacent municipality, secured approval of transfer of the district’s CCN from the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) following a hotly contested hearing, and assisted in the successful defense of the transaction on appeal.
Recognition & Accolades
- Board Certified in Administrative Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization
- Chambers USA: America’s Leading Lawyers for Business, Ranked for Environment – Texas, 2014-2024
- The Best Lawyers in America (Woodward/White Inc.), 2007-2025
- Lawyer of the Year – Austin, Natural Resources Law, 2024
- Lawyer of the Year – Austin, Litigation – Environmental, 2022
- Lawyer of the Year – Austin, Water Law, 2020
- Energy Regulatory Law, 2025
- Environmental Law, 2009-2025
- Litigation – Environmental, 2011-2025
- Natural Resources Law, 2021-2025
- Water Law, 2007-2025
- The Lawdragon 500 Leading Energy Lawyers, Environmental Law, esp. Water, 2023-2024
- The Lawdragon Green 500: Leaders in Environmental Law, Environmental Law, esp. Water, 2023-2025
- The Lawdragon 500 Leading Environmental & Energy Lawyers, Environmental Law – Water, 2021
- AV Rated, Martindale-Hubbell
Publications & Speeches
- Speaker, “Practical Water Law Considerations: Amenity Lakes, SWCD Reservoirs and Downstream Flood Protection,” UTCLE 28th Annual Land Use Conference (April 2024)
- Speaker, “Texas Surface Water Rights – Current Issues and Permitting Insights,” Half Moon Seminar (June 2022; September 2020)
- Co-Author, “Confidentiality of Water Quality Management Plans in Texas,” Jackson Walker Insights (June 2020)
- Co-Author, “U.S. Supreme Court Finds That Clean Water Act’s Permitting Requirements Can Extend to Discharges Through Groundwater,” Jackson Walker Insights (April 2020)
- Speaker, “Practical Tips for Aspiring Lawyers,” The University of Texas School of Law, 279M, Austin, Texas (February 2019)
- Co-Author, “EPA Proposes Rule to Exempt Farm Animal Waste Reporting,” Jackson Walker Insights (November 2018)
- Speaker, “Environmental Due Diligence in Real Estate Transactions Phase I ESAs and Legal Considerations,” Presented to Private Equity Client (November 2018)
- Speaker, “Water for Oil — Regulatory Challenges in Supplying Water for Hydraulic Fracturing” CLE International Texas Water Conference, San Antonio, Texas (October 2018)
- Speaker, “PUC Rate Case Panel,” Texas Water Conservation Association Fall Conference; San Antonio, Texas (October 2018)
- Speaker, “Water for Oil: Regulatory Challenges in Supplying Water for Hydraulic Fracturing,” CLE International Water Law Institute’s 9th Annual Texas Water Law Conference (October 2018)
- Speaker, “PUC Rate Case Panel: Emerging Trends,” Texas Water Conservation Association (TWCA) Fall Conference (October 2018)
- Author, “Flood Management,” Essentials of Texas Water Resources, TexasBarBooks (2018)
- Author, “Drinking Water Supply Issues: Water Utilities—CCNs and Rates,” Essentials of Texas Water Resources, TexasBarBooks (2018)
- Author, Chapter 25 Agriculture, Texas Practice Series – Environmental Law, Thompson/West (2018)
- Speaker, “Water Utilities: The Latest in CCN Decertifications, Compensation, and Rates,” Public Utility Law Section Annual Meeting and Seminar (August 2017)
- Speaker, “Utilities and CCNs: The Latest Issues at the Public Utility Commission of Texas” presented at the TexasBarCLE 19th Annual Changing Face of Water Rights (February 2017)
- Speaker, “Current Water Utility CCN Decertification Issues at the Public Utility Commission of Texas” UTCLE 2015 Texas Water Law Institute (October 2015)
- Speaker, “Brackish Groundwater Regulatory and Policy Issues in Texas,” American Ground Water Trust Annual Texas Groundwater and Aquifer Conference (June 2015)
- Speaker, “Conflicts, Curtailments and Conversions: Lessons from the Historic Texas Drought,” 25th Annual Texas Environmental Superconference (August 1, 2013)
Community Involvement
- State Bar
- Public Utility Law Section, Past Board Member, 2017-2020
- Environmental and Natural Resources Section, Member
- Austin Bar Association
- Administrative Law Section
- Environmental, Natural Resources, and Water Law Section
- Utility Law Section
- Headwaters at the Comal, Board of Directors, 2016-2025
- Sustainable Food Center, Board of Directors, 2022-2025
- Friends of the Libraries and Archives of Texas, Board Member, 2016-2022
- United Way of Central Texas, 2016 Tocqueville Society, Volunteer
- Texas Bar Foundation, Fellow
- Volunteer Legal Services of Central Texas, Pro Bono Representation
- University of Texas School of Law – Environmental Law Clinic, Board of Advisors, 2005-2009
- Texas Board of Legal Specialization, Exam Committee –Â Administrative Law, 2006- 2009
Areas of Focus
Leonard represents a variety of clients in major energy and commercial projects, including obtaining necessary environmental permits for the construction and operation of power generation facilities. Specifically, he assists clients by securing environmental permitting, including securing water rights, obtaining water quality permits, and creating special districts to provide utility services. He also advises clients on the environmental aspects of real estate transactions, including the workings and benefits of the state voluntary clean-up program, liability under CERCLA, and compliance with the solid waste disposal act.
- Securing water rights for new development
- Negotiating water supply contracts
- Obtaining Clean Water Act permits, including water quality and wetlands permits
- Defending environmental enforcement actions
- Creating water districts and acting as legal counsel on district governance and development matters
- Spearheading transactions involving regionalization of water systems and service areas, including obtaining PUC approvals of changes to retail utility certificates of convenience and necessity (CCNs)