Employment Policies, Procedures, & Handbooks
Knowing what to do and what not to do as an employer is only the first step in avoiding legal liability for employee claims. Employers must then see to it that employees understand their rights and responsibilities and that procedures and protocols are consistently followed by management. Company manuals and handbooks can help.
A policies & procedures manual comprehensively details every aspect of company policy and the procedures for following those policies. It also generally includes the forms needed to complete each process and may contain references to the laws that correlate to such policies. Employers are not required to have a separate procedures manual, but it can prove invaluable as a resource tool for managers and supervisors and helps to ensure procedural continuity which ultimately reduces liability risk.
An employee handbook is written with employees as the intended audience. Its purpose is to familiarize employees with basic company policies and benefit programs, as well as the general expectations of the company. Handbooks can serve as an affirmative defense in some actions and, when written and handled properly, can meet certain legal notice requirements. In some circumstances, handbooks can be viewed as creating or contributing to a contractual arrangement with the employee so it is crucial that handbooks are created with legal guidance to maintain an employment-at-will relationship.
As part of our effort to provide employers with efficient and effective solutions for their employment policy and procedure needs, our attorneys regularly review, revise, draft, and update employee handbooks and procedural manuals to ensure compliance with the latest laws and regulations and maximize consistency in the expectations and actions of all personnel.

September 13, 2024
Employment Law for Dummies (and Other Types of Attorneys) | Texas Lawyer
In this Texas Lawyer article, G. Scott Fiddler addresses the challenges faced by attorneys who occasionally “dabble” in employment law rather than specialize in it. Scott clarifies key concepts, providing guidance on how to handle employment law.

July 19, 2023
Jackie Staple on the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act as an Accommodations Law
JW Fast Takes Podcast | ~9 minutes
Jackie Staple joins to discuss the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, a new law that requires covered employers to provide reasonable accommodations to a worker’s known limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth, or other related medical conditions, unless the accommodation will cause the employer an undue hardship.

July 9, 2020
OSHA Issues Updated Pandemic Guidance
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has updated its website to include FAQs pertaining to workplace safety and the many challenges confronting employers with the COVID-19 outbreak.
June 22, 2020
OSHA Issues Guidance for Non-Essential Businesses to Safely Return to Work
On June 17, 2020, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued guidance to help employers develop policies and procedures to ensure the safety and health of its employees.
September 18, 2019
Is There Anything Improper About Taking a Vacation During FMLA Leave?
Two recent court cases illustrate an employer’s dilemma when faced with hearing about an employee who is on FMLA leave and has taken a personal trip during the leave.
July 11, 2019
New Tool to Contain Employer Healthcare Costs
Healthcare coverage became an employer-offered benefit during World War II as the result of the federal government’s wage and price controls. Since that time, Medicare has become an important part of how healthcare is provided to individuals who reached the age of 65, who became disabled, or who were diagnosed with end stage renal disease.
July 8, 2019
Dallas and San Antonio Paid Sick Leave Ordinances
On August 1, 2019, paid sick leave ordinances in Dallas and San Antonio are scheduled to take effect. In the meantime, Dallas and San Antonio employers must take steps necessary to revise current sick leave and paid time off policies or implement a paid sick time policy to ensure compliance with the ordinance.
July 8, 2019
Labor & Employment Dispatch: July 2019
Featuring insights on Dallas and San Antonio paid sick leave ordinances; Jackson Walker’s representation of Whataburger in the sale of a majority interest to BDT Capital Partners; Lonnie Schooler’s panel on the Supreme Court 2018 term; the 2019 “Best S.A. Lawyers” list; and more.
January 23, 2019
The Labor and Employment Horizon – 2019
In Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Texas Legislature, employers can expect developments that will impact their policies and employee relations practices.
- Develop policies, strategies, and procedures for preventing employment claims and lawsuits
- Advise on discretionary benefits including eligibility requirements, accrual amounts, scheduling, and request procedures
- Design procedures to enhance productivity and protect employer interests such as drug testing, pre-employment testing, background checks, and protection of trade secrets
- Draft, revise, and update employee handbooks
- Draft, revise, and update procedures and policies manuals
- Provide advice on day-to-day employment practice questions