Jackson Walker L.L.P. is representing Exelon Generation in connection with its project to build two combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) units in Texas. Each unit will have approximately 1,000 MW of capacity and will utilize new General Electric technology that will make these units among the cleanest, most efficient CCGTs in the state and the nation. Jackson Walker recently represented Exelon Generation in the successful completion of the Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contracts for both units and the procurement contracts for the GE combustion turbines, the Alstom Heat Recovery Steam Generators, and other major equipment.
The units are being built on existing Exelon sites: one at the Colorado Bend Generating Station, currently a 498 MW natural gas plant in Wharton County, Texas; and the other at the 704 MW Wolf Hollow natural gas plant in Granbury, Texas. Construction is expected to begin in 2015 with commercial operation targeted for 2017.
Exelon Corporation (NYSE: EXC) is the nation’s leading competitive energy provider. Headquartered in Chicago, Exelon does business in 48 states, the District of Columbia and Canada. Exelon is one of the largest competitive U.S. power generators, with approximately 35,000 megawatts of owned capacity comprising one of the nation’s cleanest and lowest-cost power generation fleets. The company’s Constellation business unit provides energy products and services to approximately 100,000 business and public sector customers and more than one million residential customers. Exelon’s utilities deliver electricity and natural gas to more than 7.8 million customers in central Maryland (BGE), northern Illinois (ComEd) and southeastern Pennsylvania (PECO).
The Jackson Walker team representing Exelon in connection with this project includes Linda Donohoe, John Schwartzenburg, Jerry Webberman, Steve Moore, Leonard Dougal, Stephanie Sparks, Raman Dewan, Ben Rhem, Angela Blevins, and Danielle Mirabal. This team brings together the many areas of expertise required to successfully and efficiently represent our clients in power project development, construction and operation. We are pleased to be representing Exelon in this important project in our state.