Shannon Zmud Teicher to Moderate Panel on Evolving Standards and Strategies for Registering and Litigating Ownership of Copyright

February 12, 2020 | Speaking Engagements

During the Copyright Society of the USA’s 2020 Midwinter Meeting, Jackson Walker partner Shannon Zmud Teicher will lead a discussion on recent decisions, new Copyright Office rules and practices, and tips for handling copyright applications and infringement cases.

Featuring panel speakers Erik Bertin, Deputy Director for Registration Policy and Practice at the U.S. Copyright Office, and Moses & Singer partner Toby M.J. Butterfield, the session will include topics such as:

  • “special handling” and pre-registration issues in a post-Fourth Estate world;
  • the Copyright Office’s new “group registration for unpublished works” procedure;
  • recent case law affecting ex post facto work made for hire agreements;
  • and ownership and registration of nontraditional works (i.e., website content and software output).

To register for the 2020 CSUSA Midwinter Meeting, visit the event page. To learn more about this New York-based nonprofit, visit the Copyright Society of the USA website.

Event Information

“Crafting the Key to the Courthouse: Evolving Standards and Strategies for Registering and Litigating Ownership of Copyright”
2020 CSUSA Midwinter Meeting
February 15, 2020  |  10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Wigwam Resort, Arizona  |  Sachem Hall

Meet Shannon

Shannon Zmud Teicher is an advocate and counselor with deep experience in intellectual property, media, and technology. Her practice consists of advising and litigating for clients in the areas of trademark, copyright, social media, advertising, marketing, and entertainment. Representative clients include: web and app developers, e-commerce sites and other online services, traditional marketing departments, established media (TV, radio, newspapers, magazines), new media, as well as fashion and jewelry designers, influencers, and celebrities.