Byron Egan and Willie Hornberger Speak on M&A Transactions at ABA Business Law Section Spring Meeting

April 12, 2018 | Speaking Engagements

Dallas partners Byron F. Egan and William H. Hornberger participated in the presentation of a CLE program entitled “Entity Selection for the M&A Lawyer” at the ABA Business Law Section Spring Meeting 2018 in Orlando, Florida.

Byron is Program Chair of the CLE program, which is presented by the Mergers and Acquisitions Committee of the ABA Business Law Section. He will also act as Moderator for the two-hour panel of speakers as they discuss issues regarding the choice of entity for merger and acquisition transactions in the context of current practices among M&A professionals, case law in Delaware and Texas, and the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

In addition to Byron and Willie, panel speakers will include Baylor University School of Law professor Elizabeth S. Miller, Tarik J. Haskins of Delaware’s Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP, and Penn State Law professor Samuel C. Thompson. The speakers have each contributed extensive written materials, which are provided as part of the program, including:

  • Byron F. Egan, “Distinctions Between Texas and Delaware LLC Law for the M&A Lawyer”
  • Elizabeth S. Miller, “Fiduciary Duties, Exculpation, and Indemnification in Texas Business Organizations”
  • Elizabeth S. Miller, “Recent Delaware Cases Interpreting LLC Agreements in Acquisition Context: Miller v. HCP & Co. and In Re Oxbow Carbon LLC Unitholder Litigation
  • Tarik J. Haskins, “Entity Selection for the M&A Lawyer”
  • Samuel C. Thompson, Jr., “Introduction to the Business Related Provisions of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act”
  • William H. Hornberger, “2018 Tax Reform: What You Need to Know”

For the full presentation materials, view “Entity Selection for the M&A Lawyer.” For an interactive analysis of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, click here to download the “2018 Tax Reform: What You Need to Know” PowerPoint presentation.

The CLE program took place at 8 a.m. Saturday, April 14.

Meet Byron

Corporate and securities attorney Byron F. Egan is experienced in business entity formation and governance matters, M&A, and financing transactions in a wide variety of industries, including energy, entertainment, financial, insurance, restaurant, and technology. In addition to handling transactions, he advises boards of directors and their audit, compensation, and special committees with respect to fiduciary duty and other corporate governance issues, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, special investigation, and other issues. Byron serves as the senior vice chair and chair of the Executive Council of the American Bar Association’s M&A Committee. In 2016, he published EGAN ON ENTITIES: Corporations, Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies in Texas, a treatise on the Texas Business Organizations Code.

Meet Willie

William H. Hornberger is a wealth planning attorney who has practiced in the areas of tax, transactional, international, and corporate law. Willie’s tax practice has touched nearly every area of the tax law, including corporate, partnerships and LLCs, international, real estate, corporate, oil and gas, bankruptcy, tax credit, and tax controversy and procedural matters. His broad transactional practice includes mergers and acquisitions, complex partnership, joint venture, real estate and private equity arrangements, complicated cross-border business structuring matters involving investors from multiple countries, Tax Treaty, and IRS Competent Authority matters.

In This Story

Byron F. Egan
Partner, Dallas

William H. Hornberger
Partner, Dallas
