Jackson Walker partner Patty Tomasco will join a panel of bankruptcy specialists to discuss the best strategies for drafting restructuring support agreements (RSAs) at the American Bankruptcy Institute’s Annual Spring Meeting.
The panel will discuss threshold considerations, risks, benefits, and in-court and out-of-court strategies for entering an RSA. This session is targeted at debtors and fulcrum creditors, as well as other key constituents. The panelists will also discuss outcomes in recent cases that were commenced with RSAs in place.
Topic: RSAs: The Best Strategies
When: Saturday, April 22, 2017
Where: American Bankruptcy Institute Annual Spring Meeting
Marriott Marquis in Washington D.C.
For more information on the Annual Spring Meeting, visit the American Bankruptcy Institute online.
For over 25 years, Patty Tomasco has counseled clients in resolving corporate insolvency problems. Her experience includes workouts, distressed acquisitions and corporate restructuring, and debtor and creditor representation in Chapter 11 cases, and related litigation. She is a member of the American Bankruptcy Institute and has been recognized as a Super Lawyer by Thomson Reuters each year since 2005.