Suzan Kedron Featured in Dallas-Fort Worth Real Estate Review: Making Connections That Last

July 18, 2016 | Mentions

Suzan says the people she met through the ALC have become a support system. “Even to this day, I can call any of my ALC classmates to ask for assistance in any area,” Kedron says. “You develop an in-depth, personal relationship with your classmates. Because of the age criteria on the program, you’re able to grow up with these people, so to speak.”

To read the article, click here.

About Suzan

Suzan helps to build our cities, making them a better place to live.

Suzan represents real estate developers, land owners and public entities in a variety of land use and real estate development issues. Suzan’s practice focuses on the following issues: zoning, development, planning, emerging technologies seeking municipal support/approval, due diligence, public private partnerships, economic development incentives, tax increment financing, green building, permitting, affordable housing, and litigation.

Previously in her career, her law practice included corporate and white collar crime, bank fraud, evidentiary procedures, and general business litigation. Her architectural practice concentrated on upper-end residential design and construction.