Wes Strickland Quoted in Bloomberg Business on California Water Rights

April 13, 2015 | Mentions

The article focused on how California officials are looking to Australia for ideas on how to improve use and management of water resources, especially through the trading of water. This is important during the current record-setting drought.

In an interview, Wes discussed implementation of a trading market for water in California. He noted that there are substantial challenges, including separation of water rights and land rights, as Australia has done. He suggested that a first step would be establishing a reliable registry of water rights to promote better resource management through improved data collection.

The interview was based on Wes’ substantial experience in managing water rights across the western United States, including water trades and transfers.

Wes focuses on helping clients develop, acquire and monetize water resources and infrastructure. He commonly represents public and private corporations, government enterprises, investment funds and private water right holders. He has been involved in many of the largest and most significant water development projects in the United States for more than a decade, across multiple states and regions, with a strong focus on California and Texas. His projects include the development and adjudication of surface water and groundwater rights, water storage, interbasin transfers, water conservation and marketing, recycling and desalination.
