Jackson Walker partner Susan Dillon Ayers will deliver a presentation titled “TxDot is About to Wreck Your Life: Eminent Domain 101” during the Travis County Women Lawyers Association (TCWLA) CLE on Wednesday, February 21 at 12 p.m.
The presentation will provide a comprehensive overview of Eminent Domain law and outline the procedures TxDot must follow when acquiring property from landowners, whether through voluntary agreements or litigation. Sue will delve into TxDot’s I-35 Capital Express plan, detailing the significant changes it will bring to I-35 from SH 45 North to SH 45 Southeast.
For additional details and registration, visit the TCWLA website.
Meet Sue
Sue worked for a large international law firm for 10 years, appearing in state and federal trial and appellate courts in cases ranging from breach of contract to wrongful death, representing municipalities, chemical manufacturers, railroads, telecommunications companies, casinos, and accounting firms. Sue joined Jackson Walker in 2010 and added eminent domain to her varied practice. Sue represents condemnors in all aspects of land acquisition, including negotiation of easements and crossing agreements, the purchase of real property in fee simple, condemnation, and appeal.